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For Swimmers

Which Offering is for my child?


Key Features

Who is this for

Stroke Optimization

Personalized Coaching: Offers one-on-one or one-to-two sessions tailored to individual needs.
Bespoke Solutions: Addresses specific technique issues with customized plans.
Improvement Plans: Develops tailored strategies for continuous improvement.
Race Strategy: Helps formulate effective race plans for competitive edge.

•Swimmers of all levels looking to enhance technique.
•Athletes aiming to boost speed and efficiency.
•Competitive swimmers seeking an advantage.
•Beginners wanting a solid foundation.
•Swimmers needing focused, individual attention.

Swim Clinics

Small Group Sessions: Provides focused attention in a dynamic setting.

Engaging Environment: Encourages learning through peer motivation.

Skill Diversity: Offers exposure to various swimming styles and techniques.

• Swimmers eager to learn with peers.

• Those thriving in group settings.

• Athletes needing skill enhancement.

• Swimmers seeking structured, step-by-step skill breakdowns.

• Individuals aiming for overall improvement.

Stroke Masterclass

•End-to-End Improvement: Comprehensive focus on shape, movement, streamline, and coordination to ensure a complete transformation.
•Learning of New Drills: Introduces innovative drills that emphasize understanding the "how" and "why" behind each technique.
•Holistic Development: Integrates strength and conditioning exercises to support technique improvements.

• Swimmers eager to improve their fundamentals.
• Those dedicated to refining their skills.
• Athletes seeking advanced technique mastery.
• Swimmers aiming for precise, coordinated strokes.
• Individuals focused on comprehensive skill enhancement.

SwimSmart- Mindset

Sports Psychology: Utilizes Age specific techniques for mental training.

• Personalized Programs: Offers tailored mental training plans.

Goal Setting: Focuses on visualization and achieving peak performance.

Stress Management: Builds resilience and manages performance anxiety.

• Competitive swimmers with performance anxiety.
•Athletes looking to boost confidence.
•Swimmers struggling with motivation.
•Individuals aiming for peak performance.
•Swimmers looking to develop mental toughness.

Visit Effiswim for all your Booking Needs

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